Feporcyl is the Federation of Associations of Pig Livestock Producers of Castilla y León, promoted in 2017 by the provincial associations of Soria, Burgos, Ávila and Valladolid. It is constituted within the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Castilla y León (CECALE) as the sole representative of the pig farms of Castila and León.
The pig sector in is one of the fundamental engines of the agricultural sector of Castilla y León, both for its economic importance, with 900 million euros in annual turnover, and for its contribution to stable employment, with 15,000 direct jobs, the majority in rural areas.
Our main objective is to help our farms and our people to evolve and adapt to the productive demands of the 21st century, betting on innovation and the professional development of our workers.
FEPORCYL wants to have the most qualified personnel possible. We are convinced that training is the main way to get qualified professionals that allow us to be competitive, modern and offer a progressive alternative to rural areas.
To this end, FEPORCYL, together with the Bankia Foundation and the Junta de Castilla y León, have launched in September 2019 the first cycle of Dual Agricultural FP for the pig sector that is taught nationwide